
President Prof. M. Spiro
Scientific Secretary Prof. T. Nakada

Austria H.E. Amb. C. Strohal  
  Dr D. Weselka  
Belgium Mrs V. Halloin  
  Prof. W. Van Doninck  
Bulgaria Prof. S. Ignatov  
  Prof. L. Litov  
Czech Republic H.E. Amb. Mrs K. Sequensová  
  Dr R. Leitner  
Denmark Mr P. Sloth  
  Prof. J.J. Gaardhøge  
Finland Dr M.P. Pulkkinen  
  Prof. D.O. Riska Vice-President
France H.E. Amb. N. Niemtchinow  
  Dr C. Cesarsky  
Germany Dr B. Vierkorn-Rudolph  
  Prof. S. Bethke  
Greece H.E. Amb. G. Kaklikis  
  Dr P. Rapidis  
Hungary Dr G. Mészaros  
  Prof. P. Levai  
Italy H.E. Amb. L. Mirachian  
  Prof. R. Petronzio  
Netherlands Dr J.T.M. Rokx  
  Prof. S. De Jong  
Norway Mr K. Stormark  
  Prof. E. Osnes  
Poland Mr M. Waligorski  
  Prof. A. Zalewska  
Portugal H.E. Ms Graça Andresen Guimarães  
  Prof. G. Barreira  
Slovak Republic H.E. Amb. F. Rosocha  
  Prof. B. Sitár  
Spain H.E.Amb. A. Santos  
  Prof. C. Pajares Vales  
Sweden Dr M. Johnsson  
  Prof. B. Åsman  
Switzerland Mr B. Moor  
  Prof. U. Straumann  
United-Kingdom Dr G. Reid  
  Prof. R. Wade Vice-President
Candidates for Accession    
Romania Prof. N. Zamfir  
  Prof. I. Andrei  
Associate Member State    
Israel H.E. Amb. A. Leshno Yaar  
  Prof. E. Rabinovici  
Ex-Officio Members    
Chairman of the FC    
Norway Dr B. Jacobsen
Chairman of the SPC    
Italy Prof. F. Zwirner
Chairman of ECFA    
Austria Dr M. Krammer  
Director-General Prof. R. Heuer  
Representative of the National Laboratories Mr Ph. Chomaz

Attendants with the right to take the floor    
European Commission Dr O. Quintana Trias  
ApPEC Prof. M. Bourquin  
Observers upon invitation    
Russian Federation    